Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Float it!

By the end of class, I should be able to:
  • Write a paragraph that summarizes a design process.
  • Examine the relationship between mass and volume.

Please do the following now:
  1. Update your Table of Contents in your notebook. The header row should contain the following:
Class Goal / Activity
Matter8/22/12What is matter?
How are mass and volume related to matter?

  1. Analyze the data taken last class. What do you notice?
*Questions to ask when analyzing data:
  • What trends do I notice?
  • Are there any values that stand out?
  • How close together are the values of similar measurements?
  • What is similar / different about the measurements?

August Process Words
  • Analyze
  • Distinguish
  • Compose
  • Illustrate
  • Contribute
  • Elaborate

A return to matter: With the person sitting beside you, create a list of 10 things that you believe can be called matter.

"Create an object out of clay that will float."

  • 8 minutes
  • Use a covering material on the table
  • Tip: pat the clay dry after testing and before shaping it into a new design.
  • At the end of the 8 minutes, please do the following:
    • Sketch your design into your notebook
    • Describe your design process.
    • Why do you believe your design floated?

"Design an object out of clay that can carry the largest mass possible."

  • 17 minutes
  • Possible object to use for mass:
    • Washers
    • Pennies
    • Measured mass
  • Use a covering material on the table
  • Tip: pat the clay dry after testing and before shaping it into a new design.
  • At the end of the 17 minutes, please do the following:
    • Sketch your final design into your notebook.
  • In a paragraph, please answer the following questions...
    • How many washers could your boat hold?
    • Describe your design process. How did your boat design change?
    • Why do you believe your design floated?
    • What boat designs seemed to work best? What is it about these designs that made them successful?
    • What boat designs didn't seem to work well? What is it about these designs that made them less successful or unsuccessful?

For Friday, August 24
  • Inquiry Planning Form
  • If you did not finish answering the questions (in paragraph form) from the second design, please do so in your notebook.

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