Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Graphing Practice

Super Ultimate Graphing Challenge - give it a try. Leave a comment below to let us know how you like it!

Whiteboard images

Thanks for emailing the whiteboard images! These will be used in class on Monday during an assessment.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What is the acceleration of your zip line?

Last week, you began working with a prototype zip line. The information from Zippy Fun was as follows:

"test our zip line that can be scaled down to a vertical drop of 0.4 m over 6 m"

You built zip lines in class and many of you developed an average velocity. However, Zippy Fun was curious why there was so much variation in your data. They would like to see a bit more data in an organized format. Also, please include:

  • velocity at each meter
  • the acceleration in each meter
To show off your work, please use a whiteboard. It is important that Zippy Fun can see data in an organized way and understand your set-up. What did you do to collect data?

Support reading: Motion & Forces (p. 25-31)

Upcoming Classes

  • Thursday 1/31: Trip to the Library - have a great time!
  • Monday 1/4: Write up of Zip Line data. More information coming but you will need to produce a position vs time graph, speed vs time graph, provide speed and accelerations...

Friday, January 25, 2013

January Inquiry Day

Today is the first data collection point of 2013. By the beginning of class on Tuesday, your data should be updated on both the hallway board and your web page.

Please begin paying more and more attention to your "story". How is your group capturing your process and the feeling of a year-long project. Do you have photographs? Video? Stories from different field collection days?

On your group web page, you should post a summary of today's activities. What did you do? What did you find out? What fun event happened whiled collecting data? You should also update graphs and data tables.
How does the quality of air change through out the year?
How Does The Water In The Pond Changes Throughout The Year
How does the pH in rainwater change through out the year?

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Describe what happened in the video.

 Zip Line
You have been selected to test a prototype zipline for a company. Looking at their facility, the organization (Zippy Fun) has decided they would like you to test a zip line that can be scaled down to a vertical drop of 0.4 m over 6 m.

Key questions: What can be measured and how can you measure it?

By the end of the test period, you need to let the company know

  • your design set-up
  • what you measured
  • how you measured 
  • what your group thinks about the design. 
  • Will it be zippy fun or not?

Monday, January 21, 2013


To get warmed up, please write a scenario describing a trip from ___________ to ________.

 What will be done with this? If a few moments, you will exchange scenarios with someone, read his/her scenario and make both a position vs time graph and a speed vs time graph.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Moving Man

Today, we will continue working on the relationship of position and speed. For the first half of the class, we will be in the Satellite Lab. You will have the opportunity to experiment with a simulation:

The Moving Man
Click to Run

The supporting hand-out can be found here. I have a hard-copy for you because you will need to draw graphs.

When we come back to class, you will work on an additional problem.

On Monday, there will be an assessment in class to see where everyone is on these topics. As a review, please look over your information from the class activities:

  • Motion activity - in groups, you decided upon an activity and collected data
  • Texting while driving
  • Walking Graphs
  • Today's simulations & problem
Supporting book (Motion and Forces) sections: 1.1, 1.2
Extra problems: 
  • page 35 (1-9, 11, 14, 16)
  • page 36 (19-21, 22, 23, 27-28)
  • page 37 (1-5)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Walking Graphs

Hello! Today, we are going to continue with concepts about motion started last class.

Today’s Objectives
  • I can measure the distance an object travels in a given interval of time.       
  • I can illustrate the motion of an object using a position vs time graph.       
  • I can illustrate the motion of an object using a speed vs time graph.

***Please prepare a sign for each of the three speeds your group used last class. (3 signs / group). The sign should be large and contain both the quantity and the units.***

Each person will be in charge of representing a speed. Once the signs are prepared, we will go outside to Lincoln Way. Key points:

  • You are in charge of representing the position of your speed for each second.
  • Each cone outside is at a 5 m interval.
  • Since we will be outside, please keep in mind the need for voices to be down so that we do not disturb other classes.

Walking Graphs:

Each group will be assigned a graph. Your task is to analyze the graph and prepare to walk it for the class. Each student needs to describe the graph prior to it being walked and evaluate the "walk" of each group.

Homework: Please complete the question sheet regarding the two cyclists.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Texting while Driving

How far does your car travel while you drive and one-handedly text "LOL" to your friend?

Today’s Objectives

  • I can measure the distance an object travels in a given interval of time.       
  • I can illustrate the motion of an object using a position vs time graph.       
  • I can illustrate the motion of an object using a speed vs time graph.

Language Objective
  • Provide a full description of the process your group followed from beginning to end.
  • Summarize results of experimentation.
  • Reflect on your role as a group member.

To Submit: By the beginning of next class, each person must submit the following:
  • A full description of the process your group followed from beginning to end. This description should address the following questions:
    • How did your group decide what to do?
    • What did your group do?
    • What was your role in the process?

  • Provide information for at least three different speeds.
  • Provide a position (m) vs time (sec) graph that includes data from the three different speeds.
  • Provide a speed (km/h) vs time (sec) graph that includes data from the three different speeds.
  • Summary - Please describe the following:
    • What does constant speed mean? Relate your answer to this problem.
    • Describe any differences between the results from the 3 different speeds your group used.
    • Is it safe (at any speed) to text while driving? Use your results to support your answer.
  • Reflection: Were you a supporting group member? Describe why/why not.
  • Questions: Please write one or more questions that follow-up on this experiment. What are you wondering about or are not confident about?

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Happy New Year! + Motion

Welcome to 2013! I hope everyone had a restful and enjoyable Winter Break. Personally, I had a great time with Krista and the girls. Now, I'm excited about motion. What do you think went through the minds of these people as motion took over?

What did you observe? If you were the driver, what would you think? If you were the guys on the loading dock, what would be going through your mind?

The current topic will focus on force and motion. The tracking sheet for the unit provides the standards we will work with and hopefully come to a solid understanding.

Today's Task
Let's move! In your table groups, please come up with a motion and a way to measure it. How can you describe your motion to the rest of the class?

Exit Note:
1. What is one thing that you would like to learn about motion over the next few weeks?
2. How old will you be by the end of 2013?