Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Speed & Position Wrap-Up

Welcome back to AST! I hope everyone had an enjoyable break. Before you left, we took an assessment on concepts related to position and speed. Today, you will do the following tasks to get your mind thinking about these topics again:

  1. Review the assessment with your group members. Discuss the strategies that each of you used to solve the problem. If you did not correctly answer a question, rework it on another sheet of paper. For each incorrect question:
    1. Identify what was incorrect.
    2. Describe why this was incorrect.
    3. Correctly rework the problem.
  2. On a whiteboard, create a diagram and a phrase that distinguishes between each set of ideas: (Note - please organize your whiteboard in a way that gives enough space for each of the 5 ideas.)
    1. Interval of Time vs Instant of Time
    2. Position vs Change in Position vs Distance
    3. Position vs Speed
    4. Average Speed vs Instantaneous Speed
    5. Acceleration vs Speed

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