Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Home Stretch on Inquiry Projects

The month of May will find you obtaining your last data collection point (Friday, May 10), discussing data, writing up your final report and presenting your findings to the class. Today, we will talk about the structure of your final presentation and report and begin with a bit of Curiosity...

As you watch the video, please have the following questions in your mind:

  1. What are these scientists curious about -- what do they want to know?
  2. What data will the rover collect?
  3. How will this data help scientists answer -- make claims about -- their questions?

What does an explanation consist of?
Let's use this framework to think about the girl's claim in this video. 
  • What does she claim? 
  • What is her evidence?  
  • What is reasoning (or rule) that connects the evidence with her claim?

Our journey so far and the next few steps.

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