Wednesday, February 27, 2013

February Inquiry Day

By now, each group is fully in the data collection phase. Your procedures were finalized last semester so please stick with the steps you wrote. When you go into the field, you should have the following:

  • Procedure - don't leave anything out!
  • Data Tables - record your data as you collect it. Record your data directly into your data table. Each time numbers are transferred, there is a chance of making a mistake so please write directly into the table. This also allows you to have all of your "original" data in one place.
  • Photo-taking device - How are you capturing the story? Collecting data in the field is more than just the numbers you measure. 
  • An idea of the story you will tell - How will you present your data? What will be the story?
  • Question/wonderings - Where are you recording this information?

Today's Goals

  1. Collect data - by now your group should be able to get this done within 45 min - 1 hour
  2. 1:15 - all groups back in the class
  3. Update wall space
  4. Update electronic data tables
  5. Write-up today's story
  6. Discuss data trends. What are you noticing about your data so far? Is your data supporting your hypothesis or not? What are you not so sure about? What else do you need to do?
How does the quality of air change through out the year?
How Does The Water In The Pond Changes Throughout The Year
How does the pH in rainwater change through out the year?

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