Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Home Stretch on Inquiry Projects

The month of May will find you obtaining your last data collection point (Friday, May 10), discussing data, writing up your final report and presenting your findings to the class. Today, we will talk about the structure of your final presentation and report and begin with a bit of Curiosity...

As you watch the video, please have the following questions in your mind:

  1. What are these scientists curious about -- what do they want to know?
  2. What data will the rover collect?
  3. How will this data help scientists answer -- make claims about -- their questions?

What does an explanation consist of?
Let's use this framework to think about the girl's claim in this video. 
  • What does she claim? 
  • What is her evidence?  
  • What is reasoning (or rule) that connects the evidence with her claim?

Our journey so far and the next few steps.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Invention Convention Topics

Students are beginning to get ideas for their projects. Problems that are being looked into include:
  • People cut down lots of trees at the mountain area, and when it rains the rocks will start moving down very fast through the slope of the mountain. The rocks will destroy many things when erosion happens. (Kyoko & Brenda)
  • Many people around the world do not have enough clean water to drink, so they drink "dirty" water. The people who drink dirty water might get sick and die. (Jaysen & Alex)
  • People all over the world are wasting batteries that can be re-used and causes more trash to the world. Batteries that are thrown away are dangerous because they might destroy farmlands, destroy crops and might increase the mutation rate.(Henry & Irene)
  • There is too much trash on Earth. Anywhere you put it is still taking up space. Incinerators cause pollution and often trash gets dumped in the most inconvenient locations. It is a growing problem. (Andrew, Richard & Roy)
  • In Taiwan, typhoons arrive in the summer when fruits are starting to ripen. Strong winds and rain causes the fruit to fall off the tree and rot, making profits low for farmers. (Jan & Andy)
  • 75% of Earth is covered by water but only 2% of fresh water can be used. So if people keep wasting soon there will be no fresh water so we have to save water. (Teresa, Grace Anne & Athena)
  • Mosquito bites are a great issue for our school and the whole world. Some mosquitoes even carry lethal diseases. (Raymond, James & Brian)
  • Batteries are used as power sources everywhere around the world, especially alkaline batteries. But such batteries waste energy when they lie unused. (Cliff, Shoki & Fabien)
  • Humans dump trash in the ocean. This normally results in sea animals being hurt, killed or even poisoned by the plastic in the trash. (Leah & Lisa)
  • In cities, private transportation is causing pollution and wasted resources. First of all, private vehicles gives us a great need for fuel and in the making of fuel we pollute the world. (Vincent, Jadon & Tim)
  • Pollution is one of the world's main issue, which came from the modern society we have right now that are made by human beings. Pollution from large factories, smoke from the vehicles, chimneys and burning of woods are all examples of pollution that are made by us. Our group is focusing on the smoke that the vehicles are making. (Cassandra, Jewelry & Sarah)
  • Pesticides used to kill buys and animals are mostly not environmental. Instead of preventing bugs from entering your territory pesticides kill the bugs. Our group will be focusing on how to prevent bugs from entering your territory in a more eco-friendly way and not killing the bugs. (Kelly, Rose & Vickey)

Friday, April 12, 2013

Moving Windmills: The William Kamkwamba Story

Note: William's story is being made into a full length documentary that is scheduled for release sometime this year. For more information, go to the documentary site.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

My invention that made peace with lions

Upcoming Schedule

April 10: Brainstorming, Project Details, Begin work

April 12: 1/2 day for parent conferences. Inquiry Field Day - please come to class ready to collect data. It is a short class.

April 16: Research time in the Satellite Lab + Project Work Time

April 18: TAIMUN - enjoy the conference!

April 22: Group discussions + Project Work Time + Early Evaluations - Do we have all of the components in our project?

April 24: Final Group work time - Finish projects! (Note: if everyone from your group is traveling to TAS for the MS MUN, please turn in your project before Friday.)

April 26: Projects due in class before school starts. During class, we will tour projects and decide on awards:
  • Best Innovation
  • Best Model
  • Best Visuals
  • Best "Repurposing" for Display
  • Most Detailed
  • Incredible Effort

2013 Invention Convention

Earth Day 2013 - Invention Convention

In support of this year’s Earth Day, your amazing creativity is needed for the 2013 Invention Convention.  You each have a lot of potential and ability to help design solutions for today’s world.  So, let’s get started!

The Info…
Who: AST middle school students.  You can work in pairs or in groups of three.  You may work with anyone in the middle school.
What: Define a local or global environmental problem. Come up with a solution to help solve this problem. Prepare a display that shows your project research, design process and model.
When: Friday, April 26, 2013 (All projects are due to science class in the morning)
How: There are several components to this project.  Imagine the science room being transformed into an exhibition hall of break-through ideas and models.  Throughout the room, displays are set-up that discuss a problem, provide solutions, a group’s hope for the project and a model of the design.  Keep reading for more details:

Project Planning Sheet

Project Criteria
3.0  The process of technological design begins by defining a problem, followed by research to better understand the problem and brainstorming to arrive at potential solutions.
a) I can identify a problem that exists in my neighborhood, city, world.  Unfortunately, there are a lot of problems in this world that need great solutions. The largest problems often need a combination of solutions. Your task is to narrow down the possibilities and focus on one problem.

b) I can fully describe the problem (where is it happening, who does it affect, what are the causes and effects, what is the main issue...)  In the gallery of projects, people need to know what problem you are working to solve. Be clear. Be specific. Be thorough.

c) I can research solutions to similar problems (what have other people/organizations done).  Coming up with new solutions can be difficult and a great way to get started on ideas is to find out what other people have or are doing. Today, people can use technology to quickly find out about solutions in different parts of the world. What is being done to help solve problems similar to yours?

  • Repurposing an idea: Find an idea (web, magazine, etc.) and incorporate it into your design. Make sure you cite your source and let people know who thought of the idea.  
  • Biomimicry - Animal/Plant Adaptations:  Find an animal/plant adaptation and apply it to your problem… make sure you let folks know that YOU thought of this by learning from nature.

d) I can collaborate with others to generate several creative solutions.  People are powerful when working together. How will your team work together to come up with creative solutions. Are you taking risks with your solution?

4.0  In addition to 3.0, “criteria” is constructed that determines the design's success and a model of the design is constructed. The best solution is communicated persuasively.

e) I can evaluate and choose the best solution to my problem.  In “3-d,” your group generated multiple solutions. Why did you decide to green light this one, or move it the design phase? Describe why this is the best choice of your multiple solutions.

f) I can describe criteria for the success of my design.  What does your design need to be able to do for your group to consider it a success? Criteria (the plural of criterion - meaning you need more than 1) can be defined as “a standard by which something can be judged or decided”.

g) I can construct a model. 3D construction! You may come up with an amazing solution that is currently not technologically possible or that you simply do not have the equipment to prepare a working model. That is OK.  Your model does not have to be operational.  It does have to be a replica of your idea and be designed so that your audience can see exactly what the final product would look like.

h) I can present the recommended design. I’m sure the world is full of great ideas that never get acted upon because people do not present their designs. Your presentation needs to include all the parts of this project. Please pay attention to the layout of your display as it should be neat and easy for people to understand your work. Headings of topic areas are a must! More than one color is highly suggested.

5.0 In addition to 4.0, the design requirements (materials, resources, size...) are fully described and an analysis of the hopes and limitations of the design is provided.

Your group gets into the fine details about the project. You describe all of your project’s requirements. The analysis looks into the future. Your design has been constructed and has gone to the area it is most needed. What do you hope will happen? How will the design be installed? What will be limitations of the project?

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Invention Convention Kick-off

Welcome back from Spring Break!

Marshmallow Challenge Revisited...


  1. ✦The Entire Marshmallow Must be on Top: The entire marshmallow needs to be on the top of the structure.
Cutting or eating part of the marshmallow disqualifies the team.  

  1. ✦Use as Much or as Little of the Kit: The team can use as many or as few of the 20 spaghetti sticks, as much or as
    1. little of the string or tape. The team cannot use the paper bag as part of their structure.

  1. ✦Break up the Spaghetti, String or Tape: Teams are free to break the spaghetti, cut up the tape and string to create new structures.

  2. ✦The Challenge Lasts 18 minutes: Teams cannot hold on to the structure when the time runs out. Those touching or supporting the structure at the end of the exercise will be disqualified.


More details next class. Until then, please start thinking about ideas.