Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Upcoming Schedule

April 10: Brainstorming, Project Details, Begin work

April 12: 1/2 day for parent conferences. Inquiry Field Day - please come to class ready to collect data. It is a short class.

April 16: Research time in the Satellite Lab + Project Work Time

April 18: TAIMUN - enjoy the conference!

April 22: Group discussions + Project Work Time + Early Evaluations - Do we have all of the components in our project?

April 24: Final Group work time - Finish projects! (Note: if everyone from your group is traveling to TAS for the MS MUN, please turn in your project before Friday.)

April 26: Projects due in class before school starts. During class, we will tour projects and decide on awards:
  • Best Innovation
  • Best Model
  • Best Visuals
  • Best "Repurposing" for Display
  • Most Detailed
  • Incredible Effort

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