Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Density Columns

By the end of class, I should be able to:
  • Reflect on the experience I had constructing a density column.
  • Make a claim, provide evidence and explain my reasoning regarding a topic. (Note: we will use this Claim-Evidence-Reasoning structure throughout the year.)
  • Describe what happens to the density of an object if the mass changes but the volume does not.
  • Describe what happens to the density of an object if the volume changes but the mass does not.

Language Goals:
  • Write a paragraph to describe the process of creating my density column.
  • Be specific in my writing when providing evidence.
  • Elaborate my thoughts when providing reasoning.

September Process Words
  • Investigate
  • Produce
  • Demonstrate (7th)
  • Emphasize (7th)
  • Judge (8th)
  • Weigh (8th)

Set-Up: Please position your density column in a safe place on your table. You will sketch the column and reflect on the process of creating it. (~30 min)

Hand-out: Density Column Sketch

Experimentation: Water and Aluminum Foil - Using equal sizes of aluminum foil, can you suspend it in three different locations?

Friday: Inquiry Day - (Current Project Schedule)
Past Due:
  • Question
  • Web Page framework
  • “About Me” section

Due on Friday:
  • Draft 1 of Procedure
  • Data Tables
  • Base Maps

What we will do on Friday:
  • Field-check Procedure
  • Verify / update map
  • Collect Data
  • Update Web pages + outside board (by Tuesday)

Groups with web pages:

For Tuesday
  • Please read about Chemical/Physical Change on pages 44-48 (Matter & Energy)
  • Please complete the Study/Reading Guide pages 9-10

Questions to consider:
  • What is the difference between a physical and chemical property?
  • Can you provide examples of a physical property? a chemical property?
  • What is the difference between a physical and chemical change?
Can you provide examples of a physical change? a chemical change?

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