Thursday, October 4, 2012

Inquiry Field Day - last of the quarter!

Quarter 1 Project Criteria

Inquiry Dates past, present & future:

DateDueIn-classAfter class
Mon, August 27Question
Web Page framework
“About Me” section
Background Assignment
Fri, Sept 14Draft 1 of Procedure
Data Tables
Base Maps
Field-check Procedure
Verify / update map
Collect Data
Update Class data board + project web page
Mon, Sept 24Draft 1 of Background(Not an inquiry work day)
Thurs, Oct 4Updated Procedure
Finalized Maps
Collect Data
Field-check Procedure
Update Class data board + project web page
Mon, Oct 8Final Background
Final Procedure
Q1 Group Update Presentation (see below)

Note: The Satellite Lab is reserved for the second half of class. Once you have finished collecting data and cleaning up, please work on your display board (see comments below), update your web page and prepare for Monday’s presentation.

Q1 Group Update Presentation
3 minutes, 3 images & data presentation

What is each group doing? You have been working on your projects for a few months so share with the rest of the class the status of your project. Your task is to create a three (3) minute presentation that gives us your question, your general procedure (we don't need each step) and the data you have collected so far.

Ideally, your presentation is run from your web page. You need to have three images (no more / no less) and a visual that shows your data.

Board Update
Dust -

  • Please update your sampling map to show where samples are taken
  • Visuals are great! Please provide a graph(s) of your data.

  • Please provide your location and sample maps.
  • Visuals are great! Please provide a graph(s) of your data.

  • Your question is provided on your board but it is hard to find. Make it POP!
  • Please update your location map. Where is north?
  • Please provide a map that shows exactly where samples are taken.
  • Visuals are great! Please provide a graph(s) of your data.

  • Please provide your location and sample maps.
  • Visuals are great! Please provide a graph(s) of your data.

Other groups - where are you?

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