Friday, December 14, 2012

Inquiry Day!

What a beautiful day! I'm excited that everyone has an opportunity to get outside and collect data. The positive side of all the rain is that our Acid-Rain Mythbusters group can finally get some data about the rain. Yay!

By now, you have done research on your topic, designed maps of the AST campus that shows the location of your sample sites and created procedures to collect data. You have used these procedures to collect several months worth of data. Today is the last data collection point of 2012. By the beginning of class on Tuesday, your data should be updated on both the hallway board and your web page.

On Tuesday, the first half of the class will be provided for you to finalize a quick presentation about your project. The presentation needs to run off of your web page. This means that the class computer (currently hooked up to the projector) can find your web page and run your presentation without any delay.

Your 5-minute presentation must include:

  • Current graph(s) of your data (includes today's data point)
  • An explanation of trends in this data.
  • Something that you have learned or been surprised about.
  • A topic / question that you want immediate feedback on from your peer-scientists.
  • Visuals

How does the quality of air change through out the year?
How Does The Water In The Pond Changes Throughout The Year
How does the pH in rainwater change through out the year?

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