Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Mixtures II

Content Objectives:

  1. I will refine my understanding of the Law of Conservation of Mass through discussions with peers. We will relate our ideas to the candle burning experiment.
  2. I will distinguish between processes creating mixtures and compounds.

December Process Words

  • Adapt (6, 7, 8th grade)
  • Verify (6, 7, 8th grade)
  • Establish (7, 8th grade)
  • Relate (7, 8th grade)
  • Assess (8th grade)
  • Clarify (8th grade)

Upcoming Schedule:

  • Wednesday 12/12: Continued investigation of mixtures
  • Friday 12/14: Inquiry Day! (see bottom of post)
  • Tuesday 12/18: Inquiry Project Update

Last class, your group created a data table and understood possibilities of various tests. Today, your task is to analyze each sample to then apply your knowledge to finding the correct mixture.

Inquiry Update
On December 14, we will collect data for the last time this calendar year. On that day the following items are due in one report (Please slowly go through the rubric to make sure you capture all of the items! If you have questions, please ask):
  1. Background Section - this section provides the scientific basis for your project while also grounding it on the AST campus. Your question should be in this section.
  2. Hypothesis - In the background, you let the reader know the general idea of what you are investigating. Now, let us know your hypothesis.
  3. Variable List
  4. Procedure
You will then collect data on December 14. By class on Tuesday, Dec 18 your data tables should be updated on both the wall outside of the classroom and your web page. Your report for the day of sampling should be updated on your web page.

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