Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Happy New Year! + Motion

Welcome to 2013! I hope everyone had a restful and enjoyable Winter Break. Personally, I had a great time with Krista and the girls. Now, I'm excited about motion. What do you think went through the minds of these people as motion took over?

What did you observe? If you were the driver, what would you think? If you were the guys on the loading dock, what would be going through your mind?

The current topic will focus on force and motion. The tracking sheet for the unit provides the standards we will work with and hopefully come to a solid understanding.

Today's Task
Let's move! In your table groups, please come up with a motion and a way to measure it. How can you describe your motion to the rest of the class?

Exit Note:
1. What is one thing that you would like to learn about motion over the next few weeks?
2. How old will you be by the end of 2013?

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