Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Walking Graphs

Hello! Today, we are going to continue with concepts about motion started last class.

Today’s Objectives
  • I can measure the distance an object travels in a given interval of time.       
  • I can illustrate the motion of an object using a position vs time graph.       
  • I can illustrate the motion of an object using a speed vs time graph.

***Please prepare a sign for each of the three speeds your group used last class. (3 signs / group). The sign should be large and contain both the quantity and the units.***

Each person will be in charge of representing a speed. Once the signs are prepared, we will go outside to Lincoln Way. Key points:

  • You are in charge of representing the position of your speed for each second.
  • Each cone outside is at a 5 m interval.
  • Since we will be outside, please keep in mind the need for voices to be down so that we do not disturb other classes.

Walking Graphs:

Each group will be assigned a graph. Your task is to analyze the graph and prepare to walk it for the class. Each student needs to describe the graph prior to it being walked and evaluate the "walk" of each group.

Homework: Please complete the question sheet regarding the two cyclists.

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