Thursday, March 14, 2013

Important Change!

You have all been working hard. Unfortunately, the materials of construction have been difficult to work with and many group members have been out with illness. I am impressed by how groups have risen to this technical challenge and have built functioning roller coasters but we lost valuable testing time. As a result, the following two items have been removed from the project.

Level 4
  • Illustrate the motion of the roller coaster using a position vs time graph.
  • Illustrate the motion of the roller coaster using a speed vs time graph.

As a result, there will be a few extra questions that I individually ask you regarding these two topics.

Updated Schedule:

  • March 15 - Test Roller Coaster / Work on write-up (Write-up due next class)
  • March 19 - Roller Coaster presentations + Assessment 
  • March 21 - Science Inquiry Data Collection Day

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