Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Testing Day

Today's schedule:
12:20 - 12:35 Project Team discussion regarding testing. The Project Manager and Technical Lead should make sure that this meeting is focused. At the end, the Technical Lead will have a discussion with the TLs of other groups.

  • What is your plan? 
  • What are challenges that you anticipate? 
  • What questions do you have?
12:35-12:50 Technical Lead meeting. Fishbowl style (other members are observers). Technical leads will problem solve challenges and present solutions.

12:50 - 1:45 Testing - data must be collected in a data table. Multiple trials are expected.

1:45 - 1:50 Clean-up, final comments

Everyone worked hard today - thanks! Unfortunately, it appears as if groups did not have enough time to collect data. We will take the first half of class on Friday to collect data.

Updated schedule:

  • March 13 - Complete construction 
  • March 15 - Test Roller Coaster / Work on write-up (Write-up due next class)
  • March 19 - Roller Coaster presentations
  • March 21 - Science Inquiry Data Collection Day

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