Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Chemical & Physical Changes

By the end of class, I should be able to:
  • Identify whether a change is a chemical change or physical change.
  • Identify characteristics of both types of changes.
  • Explain key differences between the two types of changes.

Language Goals:

  • Write a paragraph about my ideas regarding physical and chemical changes.
  • Write a paragraph that reflects on the experience of our group.

September Process Words

  • Investigate
  • Produce
  • Demonstrate (7th)
  • Emphasize (7th)
  • Judge (8th)
  • Weigh (8th)

What is your job? Rotate jobs from station to station.
  • Leader - at this station, you are in charge to make sure everyone acts safely and stays on task
  • Recorder - please make sure you capture the thoughts of all group members
  • Materials Manager - it is your job to make sure materials are properly used and that the station is left clean
  • Group Observer - How is our group functioning? Are we being respectful of each other? Are we staying on task?
Groups of three: Combine the jobs of Materials Manager & Group Observer into one job.

Safety glasses required, hair tied back

  1. A brief overview will be provided about each station.
  2. Set up the group whiteboard.
  3. Begin work. Please make sure that your group is discussing and recording observations.
  4. Discuss the type of change and provide supporting details based upon your evidence.
  5. Clean-up.
  6. Move to another station.
For next class: Please complete the lab write-up.

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