Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Heating Water

Wednesday, September 26

By the end of class, I should be able to:

  • Design a procedure that allows me to collect evidence to determine what happens when water is heated.

Language Goals:

  • Write a hypothesis using the “If..., then... because” format. (The hypothesis should include both the independent and dependent variables.)

September Process Words
  • Investigate
  • Produce
  • Demonstrate (7th)
  • Emphasize (7th)
  • Judge (8th)
  • Weigh (8th)

What do you think will happen when water (solid / liquid mixture) is heated over time?
Job Assignments:
- Time Manager - keeps the group on track and focused on the task.
- Recorder - use the whiteboard to record procedure, materials, data, etc.
- Materials Manager - make sure that the group properly uses and cleans up material
*Observer (all) - how did we function as a group

Today’s Tasks
You will plan an experiment that can collect evidence to support your ideas regarding the heating of water over time. By the end of class today, your group should complete the following:
  • identify the independent and dependent variable in the situation
  • identify at least four (4) control variables
  • develop a procedure to collect data.
  • prepare a data table.
Note: This information should be presented on your group’s whiteboard.

Tuesday, Oct 2: Inquiry Day - (Current Project Schedule)
Past Due:
  • Question
  • Web Page framework
  • “About Me” section

  • Draft 1 of Procedure
  • Data Tables
  • Base Maps
  • Summary of Field Day #1

Due on Wednesday, Sept 25: Background Section Draft 1 + Revision Sheet

What we will do on Tuesday:
  • Field-check Procedure
  • Verify / update map
  • Collect Data
  • Update Web pages + outside board (by Thursday)

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