Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Density & Liquids

By the end of class, I should be able to:
  • Explain the difference between a manipulated and control variable.
  • Design a procedure and carry it out.
  • Describe some characteristic properties of two liquids.

Please do the following now:
  1. Update your Table of Contents in your notebook. The header row should contain the following:
Class Goal / Activity
Matter9/4/12Characteristic Properties of LiquidsCharacteristic

  1. Density Calculation Review Set

September Process Words
  • Investigate
  • Produce
  • Demonstrate (7th)
  • Emphasize (7th)
  • Judge (8th)
  • Weigh (8th)

*Will ice always float in a liquid?

  • Manipulated (Independent) - This is the variable that I change (or manipulate) in an experiment.
  • Responding (Dependent) - This is the variable that I measure. It changes depending on what I do to the manipulated variable. This is known as a response.
  • Control - There are many control variables in an experiment. I do the best that I can to “control” these items from changing.

In an experiment, a goal is to analyze the relationship between two variables. By changing one and watching what happens to its partner, I can hopefully see a relationship. It is important to keep other variables from changing so I can distinguish what happens to my responding variable.

Inquiry Project: Background Organizer

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