Monday, October 8, 2012

Inquiry Presentations!

By now each group is well on its way with these great project topics. I am lucky because I have spent lots of time with each group discussing ideas and hearing your thoughts. Today, you have the opportunity to present your project to other scientists in our class.

Today's guidelines:
Q1 Group Update Presentation
3 minutes, 3 images & data presentation

What is each group doing? You have been working on your projects for a few months so share with the rest of the class the status of your project. Your task is to create a three (3) minute presentation that gives us your question, your general procedure (we don't need each step) and the data you have collected so far.

Ideally, your presentation is run from your web page. You need to have three images and a visual that shows your data.

After a group presents, I hope that other group members ask questions about the research topic.

Once all groups are finished with presentations and questions, remaining time is provided to make sure that your board space in the hallway is up-to-date with the following:

  1. Group Name
  2. Group Question
  3. Independent, Dependent and Control Variables
  4. Maps
    1. 1 overall "Site" map showing AST and the general sample location
    2. At least one sample map that shows exactly where your group samples. If your group has more than one location, multiple sample maps are necessary.
  5. Current data presented in graphical format. All groups should have at least one sample point.

When you leave class today, you are expected to turn in your background writing section. Your group's procedure should be online.

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