Monday, October 29, 2012

Relationships between temperature, pressure and volume

I hope everyone had a good weekend and that you managed to look over your assessment from last week and have questions for today’s discussion.

Content Objectives:

  1. Describe relationships between temperature, pressure and volume.
  2. Diagram and identify basic components of the atom.

Language objectives:
  • Explain concepts in full sentences that represent complete ideas.

October Process Words
  • Evaluate (6, 7, 8th grade)
  • Represent (6, 7, 8th grade)
  • Refer (7, 8th grade)
  • Refute (7, 8th grade)
  • Confirm (8th grade)
  • Consider (8th grade)

Whiteboard Task

  1. Using diagrams, illustrate the process of boiling water. You should show the molecular activity at two relevant phases, a potential mechanism for making this happen to your system and a description of the process.
  2. In your group, discuss how location can lead to differences in air pressure in the physical world. Illustrate a possible “maximum” and “minimum” pressure location.
  3. Of the two locations that you picked, where will water have a higher boiling point? Explain.
  4. Of the two locations, where will rice cook faster? Explain.

When you are finished, please check in with Frank. You will then receive a series of diagrams (Thinking about Gases) to discuss as a group. Start with the diagram you will present to the class.

Next Class - Assessment - Please review:
  1. The old assessment
  2. Last Thursday’s and today’s activities
  3. Items from the Matter & Energy text:
    1. p. 35 (17-18)
    2. p. 36 (19, 22, 24)
    3. p. 37 (1-5)
    4. p. 65-66 (13-15, 17, 20, 26)

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