Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Atomic Concept Mapping

Friday is an Inquiry Field Day! Please be ready to collect data.

Today, our goal is to summarize concepts about the atom and its relationship with its particles, elements and matter.

Content Objectives:

  1. Review parts and relationships of the atom.

Language Objectives
  1. Create links between key vocabulary terms.

November Process Words
  • Adapt (6, 7, 8th grade)
  • Verify (6, 7, 8th grade)
  • Establish (7, 8th grade)
  • Relate (7, 8th grade)
  • Assess (8th grade)
  • Clarify (8th grade)

Upcoming Schedule:
  • Friday (11/16) Inquiry Field Day
  • Tuesday (11/20) Projects (model + sign) due / Assessment regarding atomic structure

Task: Create a concept map that shows your understanding of the parts of an atom and and the relationship between elements. What are parts of the map?
  • The key questions below are answered
  • The vocabulary terms below are included and explained
  • Diagrams are used to improve explanations.
  • Connections between as many ideas as possible are created.

Groupings: Your partner in this exercise will be the person whose element has the same number of valence electrons as your element. (One group will get halved and one will end up being a 3-person group instead of pairs.)

Key questions to have answered in your concept map:
  1. How are matter and atoms related?
  2. What is the relationship between atoms and elements?
  3. What is the structure of the atom?
  4. What are differences from one atom to the next?
  5. What is the relationship between atomic number and the number of protons.
  6. What is the relationship between electrons and ions?
    1. How do you make positive/negative ions?
    2. What is a “neutral” atom?
  7. What is the relationship between neutrons and isotopes?
  8. Atomic Masses: How can the masses of protons, neutrons and electrons be compared?
  9. How are models used to help us understand atomic structure? What are limitations of these models? (***Last question***)


  • New Vocabulary Word - Valence Electrons: these are the electrons that are located in the outermost energy shell of an atom
  • Proton
  • Neutron
  • Nucleus
  • Electron
  • Electron Cloud
  • Electron Orbit Level
  • Atomic Number
  • Atomic Mass Number
  • Isotope
  • Ion (positive / negative)
  • Element
    • Symbol
  • Molecule

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