Monday, November 12, 2012

Atomic Structure: Elements

I hope you had a good weekend! Can you believe this is the last full week before Thanksgiving? Last class, everyone did a great job working through the simulation and I appreciate the feedback and questions. I hope that today will answer some of those questions.

Content Objectives:

  1. Identify the different parts of an atom.
  2. Determine the atomic number, atomic mass, and the number of protons, neutrons and electrons for each atom.
  3. Realize that electrons are not static, but always moving.
  4. Know the relationship between the number of electrons to the type of atom.
  5. Differentiate between ions and isotopes.

Language Objectives

  1. Communicate with each other in English to describe atoms and relationships between protons, neutrons and electrons.
  2. Analyze a reading that contains key concepts and vocabulary for this unit.

November Process Words

  • Adapt (6, 7, 8th grade)
  • Verify (6, 7, 8th grade)
  • Establish (7, 8th grade)
  • Relate (7, 8th grade)
  • Assess (8th grade)
  • Clarify (8th grade)

Upcoming Schedule:
  • Wednesday (11/14) Concept mapping of key vocabulary terms
  • Friday (11/16) Inquiry Field Day
  • Tuesday (11/20) Projects (model + sign) due / Assessment regarding atomic structure

Today's Activities

  1. The room is set-up quite differently today. Take a moment to sketch the arrangement of desks and chairs. What patterns can you identify?

  1. How can the setup of the room be used to model an atom?
    1. Getting to know your element.

  1. Build Atoms - what patterns do you notice as we move from element to element?

For next class:
Please complete the reading and writing.

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