Friday, November 16, 2012

Inquiry Day!

Progress Reports were sent out today. Please look these over during the weekend. 

On Tuesday, your element project is due. There will also be an assessment regarding elements.

Today is an inquiry field day! The weather is beautiful so please enjoy your time outside as you collect data. Several groups have a need to conference with me so I will make myself available while groups are collecting data.

The personal due date of each person in this class for resubmission of Inquiry Project materials has passed. However, I have not received many updated projects. Where is yours?

Continued focus on group work: How does your group function?

  • Does each group member have a job at all times?
  • Are tasks divided up?
  • Does your group have a priority list? Think of the tasks and make sure that there is a plan to get these tasks completed.
This month's ESLR is to be an Effective Communicator. How can you best communicate in your group? How are you communicated about your project to the AST community?

Due today!
  • Collect data according to your procedure.
  • Bulletin Board - What data have you collected for your question?
  • By the end of class today, please make sure that your space on the bulletin board has been updated with a graph(s) that show your data. (What type of graph has your group chosen to use? Is it appropriate?)

Due date: Tuesday, November 13
  • Reporting of Data Collected:
    • Web Page: 
      • Upload the data collected today to your web page.
      • Write up of the data collection experience. 

Are you taking photographs as you work? These will be helpful at the end of your project!

How does the quality of air change through out the year?
How Does The Water In The Pond Changes Throughout The Year
How does the PH in rainwater change through out the year?

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